Monitoring and reports

A laptop on a desk with glasses and a coffee cup

Monitor your retailer’s and competitor’s prices and position changes, gather historical pricing data and gain valuable insights on your marketing position.

Alert report

Monitor your retailer’s and competitor’s prices and position changes once or multiple times per day.

To continuously monitor your retailer’s and competitors’ price adjustments is time consuming. Our competitor price tracking functionality with automated market intelligence allows you to bypass that. Let our sophisticated information systems do the job for you – Alert report – complete overview at a glance. With Alert reports you’ll be able to:

  • Empower your workforce to take better decisions faster by having your retailer’s and competitor’s actions visualized
  • Identify competitive pricing trends, discounting behavior and emerging growth opportunities
  • Get actionable insights and make substantiated evaluations about your own market position

Our arrows guide you on a daily basis

Our Alert report guides you to keep or take a leading market price position and always be a step ahead of the competition. Click on the products and you will get all information about real time prices, changes in prices, positions at your selected retailer’s and competitors.

Alert report graphics

Benchmark report

Gather historical pricing data from your retailer’s and competitors and see trends over time.

Our Benchmark report delivers an array of information and can be tailored to your needs in order to give you the best information to base your decision making on.

  • Frequency to suit, weekly, bi-weekly or monthly
  • Clear and concise
  • Price differences expressed in monetary and percentage values
  • In/out stock recorded with levels if possible
  • Price over time
  • Links to products for simple verification
Benchmark report graphic

Management report

Gain valuable insight on your market position with an indexed pricing of products, categories and brands.

Priceindx offers innovative tools to harvest essential business data that will help you optimize your business and boost your margins.

Our management report allows you to have complete visibility of your market position against your competitors and delivers exactly what you need to know, giving you the very best information on which to base your decision making.

  • Frequency to suit, weekly, bi-weekly or monthly
  • Clear and concise
  • Price differences expressed in monetary and percentage
  • In/out stock recorded with levels if possible
  • Price over time
Management report graphic

Autopricing report

Automate or manually input your new pricing recommendations into your system and stay competitive, without outcompeting your retailers.

Autopricing reports brings automation to pricing procedures usually done manually. Having our active pricing report feed directly into your system, you’ll be able to position yourself competitively as the opportunity develops, without the risk of outcompeting your retailer’s.

Autopricing report graphic

Contact us for a demo

Ready to discuss your profit and growth needs? Contact us today, and let's embark on a journey of excellence together.