Dynamic & Intelligent pricing

A laptop on a desk with glasses and a coffee cup

Gain an edge over the competition with our smart pricing. With our dynamic pricing tools you can manage your sales with reassurance and have full control over margins and volumes creating growth. All by data driven automated functions and based on daily, or more frequent, updates of your competitors’ prices compared to yours. Set the price rules towards your competitors, ensuring the most optimized price. Set the price manually or by automated functionality.

How does it work?

Dynamic pricing and rule settings enabling price elasticity

There are many ways to set up your price rule settings, for example:

  • Adjust your price to be higher or lower price, in % or actual figures towards your competitors
  • Rules based on profitmargins, inventory, market price, campaigns or price elasticity values
  • Set any rule on categories, strategic products and longtail for maximised profit
Alert report graphics

Simple workflow

Select competitors

Pick competitors to benchmark against and have your products matched

Set pricing rules

Pick and customize pricing rules that execute your pricing strategy

Set limits

Highly customizable margin limits ensure you never lose money


Connectivity via an API or other options ensures seamless integration

Contact us for a demo

Ready to discuss your profit and growth needs? Contact us today, and let's embark on a journey of excellence together.