Marting Granberg

One of the Nordics' leading price experts is moving to Norway to help e-tailers make more money

Marting Granberg

Martin Granberg from Priceindx helps several of Sweden's leading retailers with their pricing strategies.

Priceindx is a leading Swedish player in price monitoring and dynamic pricing in the Nordics. Now the company is opening a branch in Norway.

Responsible for the Norwegian investment in Priceindx will be Martin Granberg as the company's CSO (Chief Strategy Officer).

Granberg is considered one of the Nordics' foremost in price optimization and already works with several companies operating in Norway, including, Outnorth, Bangerhead, and Homeroom etc.

Martin Granberg is looking forward to working even closer on the Norwegian market from his new Norwegian office.

- The Norwegian market is generally mature and many businesses have invested in both personnel and new systems due to the growth that came as a result of the pandemic.

At the same time, prices on the Norwegian market are generally higher than in the neighboring country, says Granberg. In the future, it will become steadily more important to have control over your competitors and set the right price for what you sell.

- Many retailers, especially those with large product ranges, often have a lot to gain from optimizing their prices and seeing which products can be most profitable to have in the range both from a margin perspective, but also from a traffic-driving perspective.

With increased competition on the Norwegian market in the future, price monitoring and dynamic pricing of goods will steadily become more important, Granberg points out.

- An unsurprising difference you see between Sweden and Norway is that the price picture is generally higher in Norway in the retail trade with higher margins than in the Swedish market, of course this can vary between different segments. Both in Norway and Sweden, prices have increased significantly this year.

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